Speaker Registration

Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo North America is returning to the USA, this time in Long Beach, California on March 13 and 14, 2024. The inaugural North American conference in Houston in November 2022 was an enormous success, featuring senior speakers from major companies and organizations, academic institutions, regulatory authorities, federal agencies, congressional representatives, port authorities and others involved in researching, developing or deploying electric and hybrid marine technology and vessels.

If you would like to submit a proposal to speak at the 2024 conference, please make sure it provides technical insight, shares unique challenges and experiences or discusses technical solutions. If you have worked on a successful project, have an opinion you would like to share with the industry or a theory you would like to discuss, you should click on the button below to use the online submission form. Major themes of the conference include but are not limited to:

  • Propulsion and transmission
  • Power electronics and control
  • System integration
  • Energy storage systems
  • Alternative fuels for hybrid vessels
  • System simulation and modeling
  • Shore-to-ship power and port electrification
  • Vessel case studies and applications

From previous experience, we know that the call for papers will be oversubscribed so your early attention is recommended.

please click below to submit your proposal.

For further details, please contact:

Conference director
Samuel Gee
Phone Number

+44 1306 871209