Speaker Details

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Laura Boyd

Laura has been working as a federal government contractor for over nine years. She has provided services including procurement, business and strategic analysis, financial analysis, and program and project management. She has supported DHS as a senior program analyst for over a year, managing projects such as Next Generation Maritime Public Communications activity, Maritime and Port Resiliency and Security, Rescue 21 Augmentation from Space, Integrated Multi-Domain Enterprise, and Alternative Energy. Laura has a BSc in anthropology from Radford and an MBA from George Mason.


New – Maritime alternative energy for the future

This presentation will provide a background on government and DHS interest in alternative energy for maritime assets. It will also discuss our recent collaboration with HSWERX, a non-profit that collaborates with the government on alternative energy for maritime assets. Lastly, we will detail DHS’s requirements for alternative energy for maritime assets and present an overview of the selected alternative energy technology DHS is investing in.