Speaker Details

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Pål G Eide

Pål is a highly experienced project manager with a BEng (Hons) in naval architecture and design. His career in maritime innovation and design engineering started at Imenco in 1996, before he founded Kystdesign in 1997. After 12 years of building a successful company, he ventured into work as a design and product development consultant for Aepex, and later as a project manager for the maritime cluster organization NCE Maritime CleanTech. For the last five years, drawing on his many years of experience with product development and design, Pål has led several prestigious and exciting innovation projects at SEAM, such as the world's first hydrogen-operated passenger ferry, MF Hydra, and the ammonia-to-power rebuild of NH3 Kraken.


Solving the challenges of electric express vessels - Norway as a case study

This presentation will review three different perspectives in the electrification of express vessels in Norway: Autonomous battery swap; high-speed charging; and weight optimization solutions - each with specific vessel examples.