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Ian MacMillan

Ian oversees the development of air quality management plans, emissions reporting, the AB 2588 toxic ‘hot spots’ programs, and rule development and compliance for indirect source rules, transportation programs and fleet rules. He has over 15 years of experience in air quality policymaking in southern California, focused primarily on goods movement and its impact on environmental justice communities. Ian has been with South Coast AQMD for more than 10 years and has worked in many programs in planning, including indirect source rules, CEQA, AB 2588, socioeconomic analysis, annual emissions reporting, and point source rule development. Prior to joining the South Coast AQMD, Ian worked for the in-house environmental management team for the Los Angeles Unified School District’s New School Construction Program, helping to evaluate air quality and other environmental impacts for over 75 new school sites in a dense urban environment. Ian has a bachelor’s degree in geology from UCLA and a master’s degree in geology from UCSB.


Regulation, funding and infrastructure - panel discussion