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Lia Morris

As a senior community development officer with the Island Institute, Lia works with the Center for Marine Economy to advance efforts to electrify Maine’s working waterfront, including trials for electric outboards and new hulls. She has an MA in environmental policy and planning from Tufts University and an undergraduate degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. As the daughter of a boat builder, Lia’s youth was spent gunkholing around the Maine coast under sail and paddle.


Taking charge: advancing electric propulsion on the Maine Coast

Island Institute's Center for the Marine Economy is leading efforts to electrify Maine’s working coast. This presentation will explain how the organization is using a unique set of state and national partnerships, funding strategies to get e-boats on the water. With commissioned reports on shoreside charging infrastructure, fleet efficiency, and workforce centered partnerships with the Community College system to ensure that electric marine propulsion properly takes hold along the working coast.