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Kyle Taylor

With 20+ years of engineering and team management experience, Kyle has a varied background in chemical engineering and the fuel cell industry. Throughout his career, he has overseen the complete scope of product lifecycles, from initial design concepts through product testing, validation and production. His past experience covers small- and large-scale hydrogen generation and fuel cell system integration, activated carbon and algae production, and pharmaceuticals. At e1 Marine, Kyle is responsible for the engineering team and managing technical engineering projects to advance clean energy solutions.


Toward zero: comparing the greenhouse gas impact of methanol-to-hydrogen generators with diesel engines

This presentation provides a case study of a soon-to-be-constructed 2,000hp pusher boat, the Hydrogen One. It compared GHG and regulated emissions for the fuel-cell-powered option against Tier 3 diesel engines. E1 has pioneered methanol steam-reforming to generate hydrogen for fuel cells in maritime vessels. The study uses a comparative emissions model that was validated by Thetius, an independent maritime research specialist. The presentation will outline the practical insights gained, offering real-world emissions reduction solutions. Utilizing 48,000 hours of data from similar vessels, a 24-hour load profile mirroring Hydrogen One's expected operations was developed. Comparing fuel consumption and emissions, the results demonstrate the advantages of methanol-reforming with green methanol over diesel engines. Even with gray methanol, significant reductions in greenhouse gases and regulated emissions were observed.